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Welcome to

All Souls Bethlehem Church

Join us! Sunday morningS at 10:45 am.

We are the cozy house church at 566 East 7th Street (between Cortelyou and Ditmas) in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn. We have inhouse, and we also stream live to our FACEBOOK PAGE for those of you that cannot be with us in person We are an open and affirming community, we celebrate the worth and dignity of ALL God’s people and each person’s search for truth and meaning in a non-dogmatic and friendly atmosphere. We worship through music, prayer, communal joys and concerns, and dynamic sermons.  


 Oritt Stephen Everett was born on October 22, 1927 in La Ceiba, Honduras  died of Covid April 9th 2020, Aida Mercedes Suazo Everett was born on October 29, 1927 in Santo Domingo died because of Covid April 20, 2020. Parents and grandparents to congregants at ASBC. To learn more about them go to our "History Page." and view quilt squares created in their honor for the National Covid Quilt, created by Denise Lassen. â€‹



10:45  AM - 12:00 PM   

  Sunday October 13th, 2024
Minister: Rev. Dr. Boon Lin-Ngeo

"radical love is radical acceptance"​


"Divine love is radical love. Radical love is radical acceptance. To love radically is to love unconditionally. It is about being patient with ourselvers and with others, for love is patient, love is kind. As we truly and really love, we can accept ourselves and others. We do not need to punish ourselves, we do not need to beat ourselves up overr ummet expectations. Divine love is radical love. Jesus could forgive those who persecuted him because he loved radically. He accepted everyone because he could see the light of God in everyone, regardless of their behavior. (B. L. N.)"


​Reverend. Dr. Boon Lin Ngeo was born and raised in Malaysia. He was an award-winning journalist before he came to the United States in 1997. He currently teaches at Hunter College- CUNY. He has published extensively in the Chinese language since 1999, and is the author of more than 40 books. He is the first openly gay minister in his native country Malaysia, and the first openly gay minister who holds a doctoral degree in theology in Asia. Rev. Dr. Boon is one of the most sought-after speakers in LGBTI Chinese communities in Asia, such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. He is instrumental in building many LGBTI Christian fellowships and churches in Asia. His activism in Asia has been reported by CNN and the New York Times."The message of Christianity is simple. It is all about love . But it is not easy. Because to love deeply and truly is to love unconditionally. As we love fully, we live fully. But we cannot love fully is we are full of ego. True love is devoid of ego. When we love others fully, we will finally identify with everyone and become one with everyone. Being is dying by loving. Just like Jesus says, whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.The message of Christianity is simple. It is all about love . But it is not easy. Because to love deeply and truly is to love unconditionally. As we love fully, we live fully. But we cannot love fully is we are full of ego. True love is devoid of ego. When we love others fully, we will finally identify with everyone and become one with everyone. Being is dying by loving. Just like Jesus says, whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.​


"You Don't Have to Believe to Belong and Be Loved in this Place" 

Musician: Debbie Deane

LATEST Sermons

“Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed."

Galilleo Galilei


Times are tough and we are

a shelter

in the storm.


The Little House Church in BrooklYn


We are ASBC, the little house church in Brooklyn with a big heart, a sense of humor, and a passion for the sacred, the arts, and social justice. A multi-faith community, we are connected to the Unitarian Universalist Association, the United Church of Christ, and the Disciples of Christ.


“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139)


We take God’s love seriously and ALL ARE WELCOME, no matter your race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, difference in ability, gender identification or non-identification, or sexual orientation.  


"God is Still Speaking,” 


Rooted in the Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Jesus, we incorporate other faith traditions and the wisdom of prophetic voices from psychology, science, Womanist and Black Liberation Theology, Native American and earth centered spirituality. Experience ASBC’s blessed "Passing of the Peace" and our heartfelt sharing of joys and concerns followed by a pastoral prayer. 


“The only thing better than singing
is more singing.” (Ella Fitzgerald)


And we love to sing! We enrich worship through musical diversity from traditional hymns and spirituals to blues, jazz, gospel, classical and contemporary music led by our own artists and professional guests.


“We come from the creator with creativity.” (Maya Angelou)


We honor the arts—music, painting, writing, photography, and film—as integral to spiritual expression and nourishment. Once a month, we host Movie Night. Other activities include a twice monthly Bible Study and a Game Night at a local café, as well as sponsored trips to museums, concerts and exhibits.


TikkuN Olam (Repairing the World)


These challenging times have lit a fire in our bellies for more action, activism, and aid. Recent initiatives include: 

  • Member of the New Sanctuary Coalition

  • Collective Action for Puerto Rico

  • Safe climate for a better future

  • Food for the hungry in Times Square

  • Welcoming incoming Immigrants into our community

  • Raise the Age

  • Close Rikers Island

  • Poor People's Campaign

  • Faith in New York initiatives on immigration and City Budget

  • GOTV Campaigns with Poor People's Campaign and Brooklyn Voter's Alliance

  • Interfaith Peace Walk Sponsored by Brooklyn Interfaith


Come Through our Door


Whatever it is you are looking for—reflection, connection, prayer, insight, a chance to slow down and breathe, or ways to repair the world, we invite you to come through the door. Get to know us. Stop by on Sunday for worship and a cup of coffee. 


BE inspired

Sign up for ASBC's weekly newsletter. 

566 East 7th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11218-5902



Church Council President: 

Raquel Irizarry




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@2018 by All Souls Bethlehem Church

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